Iliara Brightmoon

This fortune telling dancer carries a mysterious and enticing allure. Rumors tell of the viera's slithering and swaying on stage, the tarot cards swirling around her in hypnotic fashion as those who behold her wonder if a little time alone with her is at all in the cards. With a sweet and caring attitude, she is described by many to have a motherly air about her.


  • Birth Name: Ysera Eryut

  • Age: 35 (appears 20)

  • Gender: Female

  • Race: Viera (Rava)

  • Orientation: Bisexual

  • Deity: Menphina, the Lover

  • Birthplace: Golmore Jungle

  • Occupation: Dancer, Fortune Teller (Astrologian)

  • Former Occupation: Conjurer, Model

  • Weapon: Tarot cards (imbued with celestial aether and fired as darts), chakrams

  • Relationship Status: Single

  • Personality: Seductive, Well-mannered, Charming, Sweet, Empathetic, Mischievous

  • Skills: Talented dancer, exceptional ability to divine fortunes and visions of the future, experienced model

  • Flaws: Poor at close-range combat, makes a habit out of playing people with her charms

  • Combat style: Stays at range with spellcasting and tarot card darts. Heavily support-focused (healing and empowering others). Trained in the kriegstanz and often appears to be dancing in a fight. Generally prefers not to fight but will do so if necessary.

  • Aetheric ability: Her aether has been attuned to the moon, forming a bridge that allows her to borrow celestial aether from this source. Her power increases under the full moon. She is still learning to properly manipulate this power.

  • Alignment: Neutral Good

  • Likes: Expensive things, fashion, the moon, children, caring for people, dancing, tarot readings, stargazing

  • Dislikes: Anyone unkind to children, the Garleans, bullies, unnecessary fighting


Iliara was born Ysera of the Eryut tribe in the Golmore Jungle. As a conjurer, she held great reverence for nature and the elements while also tending to the wounds of her fellow tribeswomen.One night however, perhaps entranced by the light of the full moon, the viera wandered too far from her tribe. She was captured by the Garleans and forced into a camp where she was made to do intense labor. The delicate viera struggled to keep up with their demands and so, she was sold off at a slave auction in the now Garlean controlled Dalmasca.A wealthy madam swiftly purchased her, seeing potential in the young viera as a courtesan. Immediately, she was put through lessons of dance and charm. But though her standard of living had increased, she had been given a strict diet, a strict curfew, and high expectations. Her life was no less difficult. But through this, she learned how to carry herself and how to control men. Iliara’s connection to nature weakened however as she adjusted to city life. Eventually, she completely forgot conjury.With her talents, she soon caught the eye of Troupe Falsiam, who offered to train her while her madam was none the wiser to their dance’s origins in war. The troupe sympathized with her, hoping to provide Iliara with her own means of escape through the kriegstanz.Unable to teach her anymore, her madam sold her off for an exorbitant price to a wealthy and foolish Elezen bachelor... though this would not last for longer than a week. In a game of sweet-talking, Iliara managed to convince him to hold a grand showcase of his new prize. It would be a riveting performance meant to stroke his ego and sew jealousy in his associates.... but the show was scheduled at the same time a ship bound for Shirogane was scheduled to depart. In a deadly performance, the viera danced her way past the foolish bachelor’s guards, making a swift escape to the docks and onto the ship.Upon being discovered by the ship’s crew as a stowaway, Iliara seduced her way into the captain’s favor. With this, she was allowed aboard despite having not paid a single gil. At this point in her life, she saw men as nothing but a means to an end.While still at sea, she had a rare encounter with an abroad Sharlayan scholar. Immediately she felt herself drawn to his deck of cards. Iliara demanded a reading the first chance she got, soon after begging to be taught. But he refused to teach her, even denying her attempts at seduction. And so instead, Iliara merely watched and listened. From afar, she watched closely how he handled the cards. Eventually, she learned of how astrologians attune their aether to the constellations. And one night before a full moon, Iliara attempted to do just this. Her aetheric capabilities were limited but yet she stood and prayed before a moonlit sky... and something unique emerged within her. An aetheric connection formed between her and the moon though she remained far from completely understanding it.Sensing the peculiar difference in her aether, the scholar for once pondered if he was wrong in refusing her a chance. In his last encounter with the viera, he bestowed upon her his tarot deck. From this point on, Iliara adopted the name Brightmoon.She’s lived in Shirogane since and has only recently arrived in Eorzea. Wanting to be more than just a pretty face, she seeks to grow stronger in her aetheric abilities and gain a deeper understanding of astromancy.


Dancer – Your character might have seen Iliara performing in the street as a dancer before. Perhaps your character was bewitched by her dance and could not pass up the chance to speak with her. Or perhaps your character is also a dancer with ties to Troupe Falsiam and would like to talk shop.

Dalmasca - Is your character from Dalmasca? For years, Iliara was a slave and courtesan there, escaping the city to gain her freedom. Your character might recognize her and sympathize with her plight. Or perhaps your character has come with a bounty in hand, prepared to return her former owner's lost property.

Fellow Rava - Is your character another viera of the rava clan? Even if they are not a member of the Eryut tribe, it may prove an opportunity to bond.

Tarot Card Reading - Curious to know your fate? In such case, Iliara has quite a gift for divining future events and interpreting the word of her deck. (OOC: By default, I use dice rolls and improvisation to tell a vague fortune but for a more powerful and clearer vision, OOC information can be given to me prior if so desired.)


  • I am over 21. Please only rp with me if you are 18+.

  • Mateus EST. I'm also new to FFXIV lore so please be patient with me! <3

  • Story-driven rp and long-term story arcs are preferred.

  • I am fine with ERP but only if it makes sense for our characters.

  • I prefer to keep OOC and IC separate. If our characters are romantically involved, that does not translate to you personally. Likewise, if my character dislikes yours, it does not mean I dislike you personally.

  • Love to do: Long-term, mature, romance, adventure, multi-paragraph

  • Will do: Injuries (only with explicit permission), walkups, slice of life, combat

  • Won't do: Permanent character death, rape plots, metagaming, godmodding, romance/sex with Lalas